Amy - Crew UK

“I visited Kim after suffering with anxiety and depression for a number of years and having various symptoms and pains as a result. The day after the healing I woke up absolutely pain free, which was amazing! Usually my joints are so painful that just walking around and getting dressed is difficult but that day I felt free!

Since then I've noticed that I haven't responded to things in the same way I would have before. Certain triggers that would have caused me anxiety before have either not triggered me at all or it has been much easier to deal with. To not have those ties pulling me down has been quite life changing. They are not gone completely but it's given me hope that I can get there. Thank you Kim!”.

Amy - Crew UK

Toni Williams - Founder of The Square Genius

Hi, I’m Toni. My mission is to create powerful websites for charities, non profits and purpose-led organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment, communities, animal welfare and many more.

Dan Page - Tipton UK


George - Wolverhampton-UK